petition hits 15,000 signatures and extends into the broader arts world

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For Immediate Release


NEW YORK (July 15, 2020) — The petition, started by PAMAC to advocate for legislative relief for the broader arts industry, has hit 15,000 signatures.

Launched by Primo Artists on June 4, 2020 as a message to Congress, the petition has secured 2,000 signatures within 24 hours, 5,000 signatures within 5 days and 10,000 signatures in 12 days. The co-signors of the petition comprise more than 150 management agencies across the United States, who have formed a coalition called Performing Arts Managers and Agents Coalition (PAMAC).

The petition has been shared over 2,000 times including by leading artists such as the rock band My Morning Jacket, actress/director/author Felicia Day, jazz musician and composer Wynton Marsalis, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, violinist Hilary Hahn and more. Alongside these artists, a handful of other prominent artists in the classical music field have shared the petition on their channels in support of the broader advocacy movement for arts relief. The group of artists includes conductors Cristian MăcelaruJames GaffiganChristian Reif and Gemma New, pianist Seong-Jin Cho, cellist Johannes Moser and soprano Julia Bullock. These artists have all posted messages to their fans and followers on their social-media channels to sign the petition. 

The petition is one of many actions steps being taken by PAMAC to highlight the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 has had on the entire arts industry. The coalition’s priority is to build awareness with Congressional leaders to the fact that all businesses, both non-profit and for-profit, as well as artists and gig workers, need relief. Letters to Congress have been sent and received by elected officials and steps to lobby directly with Congressional leaders are being taken. They are urging Congress to legislate for extensions and recapitalization of funding for all segments of the broader arts sector. 

The coalition of 150+ artist management agencies, who all co-signed the petition, has the support of 25 non-profit organizations including the Americans for the Arts, The Broadway League and the League of American Orchestras. The policy asks of the letters to Congress, as reflected in the petition, align with those of these 25 partner service organizations. The mission is to unify with the broader arts sector and to work  collectively together to affect legislative change. PAMAC’s belief is that arts relief for the entire arts sector is the only way the U.S. arts industry will survive.

“We are on a mission to work together in collective action to advocate for legislative reform for the broader arts sector.” Primo Artists President, Charlotte Lee, who founded the coalition and launched the petition, has said. “Through grassroots efforts and the support of leading performing artists and 25 service organizations standing with us, our petition has quickly gained traction and we are making progress in connecting with Congressional leaders to build awareness about the plight of our industry and the need for the arts to be included in the next stimulus package.”

Lee further states: “Our belief is that arts relief is the only way the industry will survive and make it to the other side. Until we can resume full-capacity live performances, we need Congress to take action to protect those who will be the last to return to business.” 

Go to to sign the petition today and see further news on our petition here and here.

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