Houston Symphony announces 3-year Itzhak Perlman residency
Itzhak Perlman to serve as Artistic Partner with the Houston Symphony (Photo credit: Nan Melville)
Houston Symphony season includes partnership with Itzhak Perlman
By Andrew Dansby
Houston Chronicle
January 29, 2020
The Houston Symphony announced its 2020-2021 season Wednesday. The season will be the seventh with music director Andrés Orozco-Estrada, who assembled it with John Mangum, the Houston Symphony’s CEO and executive director.
Violinist Itzhak Perlman this season begins a three-year project as an artistic partner with the Houston Symphony. He’ll conduct and play Beethoven’s Romances for Violin and Orchestra for the Opening Night concert September 17. He will also conduct Beethoven Symphony No. 9 Choral, on May 22-23, 2021.
Perlman called the partnership “an honor.”
“Every time I return, it is like being with family,” he said of a relationship that dates back to 1967.
To read the full article, click here.
As highlighted in the Houston Symphony’s 2020/21 press release, “Legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman serves as Artistic Partner for the 2020–21 Robert Cizik Family Classical Season and performs in three Special programs. The Houston Symphony is thrilled to have Perlman as its first ever Artistic Partner. Throughout his three-year engagement, Perlman will serve in a variety of roles, reflecting his many talents: as concerto performer, recitalist, conductor, educator, and storyteller.
“It is an honor to be invited to serve in this role with the Houston Symphony,” shared Perlman, “every time I return, it is like being with family. I am looking forward to our close work together over the next three seasons.”
In his inaugural season, Perlman conducts and plays the Opening Night concert on September 17 in a program including Beethoven’s Romances for Violin and Orchestra. On February 18, Perlman and Rohan De Silva, his longtime pianist and collaborator, perform a one-night-only recital. In his final Special performance of the season, Perlman conducts the Houston Symphony Chorus, orchestra, and guest vocal soloists in Beethoven Symphony No. 9 Choral on May 22 and 23.
The Symphony’s relationship with Perlman began in 1967 under former Music Director André Previn. In 2016, Perlman performed during the Jones Hall 50th anniversary concert. Recently, Perlman conducted and performed as soloist with the Houston Symphony during the 2018–19 season.”
To read the full press release, click here.